Final download only LP, Vinyl update...

New Final studio album and the first digital download only release from Avalanche Recs. With 4 pieces running for approx 47 mins. 'Fade Away' explores minimal pulselike drones, intended for late night listening. There are 2 options for purchasing - 320kbps MP3 or FLAC dependent on your personal preference. FLAC is larger in file size, but once decompressed you have a lossless / non compressed version of the album. The download comes as a .zip file, easily opened / unzipped on any platform. Songs are not available for purchase individually. Contained in the .zip file is the separate tracks that make up the album and a .pdf of the artwork. The front cover artwork is embedded in the MP3 version of the album, in the FLAC version only song titles appear.
There is no DRM (digital rights management) used on our digital downloads, so please do not share our albums, if you want it then please buy it ; if the selling of our material digitally is successful then we have many more exclusives, unreleased recordings and reissues planned for the future.
Checkout is with Paypal, once payment has been received you will immediately get an exclusive link to your download and the link is also sent to the email address you made the purchase with.
Please visit the Avalanche Store HERE
and scan down the Avalanche Recs catalogue until you reach AREC012 which can be purchased and downloaded immediately.
Jesu - 'Pale sketches', Jesu - 'Heart Ache' and Final - 'Afar' vinyl editions on Avalanche Recordings are all being pressed/manufactured now, yes we know they should be available by now but due to initial pressing problems we had to move to another manufacturer, thankyou for your patience. Pre orders will begin in late June, shipping will then begin early July.
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